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DKR mixtape (TTT cassette)

$10.00 / Sold Out

DKR mixtape (cassette)
60 minute mixtape cassette compiled for, mfg & released by The Trilogy Tapes (TTT) label from London.
***A very limited number of these are available here, for US & CANADA customers only. If you're in Europe or elsewhere and would like a copy, please check the TTT site here.***

It's been a long while since I made this kind of mixtape for anyone but myself, let alone for a cassette. Here's some thoughts about making a tape that I wrote while waiting for these to arrive -
obvious point maybe, but the best music does more than just soundtrack your life - it shows you life, evokes life. the greatest listening outcome is a ride thru emotion and then beyond to the greater horizon of change, inspiration, motivation. to use one of my favorite lyrics that feels like it puts the whole notion into a few words, “how to live another day to come.” this tape has 60 minutes of different music which does that work on me, made in earnest as a mixtape in the old way - putting a thoughtful bunch of songs you like on a tape for yourself, or sometimes even better, to share with someone else. similarly, the accompanying artwork is made with different pieces of iconography that for me, each effect as the music does. in the listening and looking, hopefully some or all of it cracks your brain up too. thank you to will & jagger for being interested enough in my view to ask me to make it.

(since this is the DKR site, fair warning & caveat: this tape is not all Jamaican music!)